Thursday, July 24, 2008

Updates and Craziness

We got approval today to move in to Rio Bend but will have to start over the licensing process with another agency. It's a complicated mess but I'll spare the details for now. (If any of you know of a great child placement agency (CPA), please let me know! We may end up going directily through CPS but haven't decided yet.

I also saw my Ortho. this morning and tomorrow he will remove the screw that is visible on the open wound and hopefully we'll see some new growth in that area. If there is not enough change in a few weeks, then he will go in and remove all the hardware. He wants to leave it in there as long as possible to be sure the bones are totally healed. Typically hardware is not removed until years after the initial injury, if at all. He keeps telling me that he's never had a case like this in 22 years of practice, so I guess that makes me special! :)

Well, back to packing...we thought we were close to being done, but we have way more junk than we thought, so stay tuned for more updates!


Erin said...

Oh, Sonya, I'm so sorry you have to start over! What a setback! Ah, well...just another reminder that we're not in control!

Emily Gilliam said...

Hi, Sonya! I just happened upon your website. I had no idea (of course) that you were are beginning the process to start fostering! That's huge! Congrats on Rio Bend... what a big thing for you and your family. I'd love to know more of how that goes.

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

She's not exactly starting fact she can walk fast enough in her boot to kick yo butt if you tease her now! There is a big giant hole in her ankle though.... ek, even with my tv doctoring experience I almost passed out!

Jen said...

Sonya, I can give you the # for our peeps.